As we become increasingly aware of the impact of plastic pollution on our planet, it's clear that action is needed to protect our environment and our future. That's why the Plastic Free July campaign has become so important, serving as a powerful reminder of the small but meaningful actions we can take to reduce our plastic consumption and make a positive difference.
At its core, Plastic Free July is a reflection of our collective commitment to creating a more sustainable future. It emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, intention-setting, and taking small steps towards a shared goal. By participating in Plastic Free July, we are reminding ourselves of the power of collective action, and that every small action counts towards creating a more sustainable future.
This journey towards a plastic-free lifestyle can feel challenging, but it's essential that we be patient with ourselves along the way. Rather than expecting instant change, we can commit to taking small steps every day, such as using a reusable dish brush or to-go cup or using home and skincare products that are refillable.
By participating in Plastic Free July, we become part of a larger community of individuals who are committed to creating a better world, locally in Ucluelet and globally. Plastic Free July is more than a campaign; it's an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with the environment and make meaningful shifts towards a more sustainable future.
So let's take this journey together, with mindfulness, intention, and a commitment to positive change.
Here are some ways to take small sustainable steps towards positive change and growth with the Den.
The wooden dish brush with replaceable head is a long lasting and sustainable option to for washing dishing. Available in light coloured bristles or dark.
Refill your cleaning products by bringing your bottles in-store for us to fill for you or set up your home or rental accommodation with an "At-Home-Refill Station".
The brass razor by Keep Well Kept will last you a lifetime when cared for properly. No more single use razors and the blades can be recycled through their blade bank program.
Bar shampoo and conditioner isn't just for travelling, it is a great plastic free alternative for everyday. We not only love that these products for their sustainability and frothing ability, we also love the look and feel of a plastic free shower.
Made locally by Kay Ceramics, grabbing coffee to-go never felt so good. These ceramic mugs are hand made here in Ucluelet and come with a silicone lid to keep your hot beverage safe for travel.
Our in house Den Line is all refillable in-store. Sustainable and plant based not only are they good for your skin but environmentally friendly. Bring your vessel back when finished and we will refill your product at a discounted rate.
For more information on Plastic Free July, head here.