Golden Cariboo Honey
raw and unpasteurized honey.
Honey that tastes like the wild mountains it came from.
This rich raw honey is a combination of all the floral sources in Lillooet: Alfalfa, clover, fireweed, dandelion, thistle and many more. Golden Cariboo hives forage on some of the driest land in the country, so the honey always has a particularly low moisture content, making it extra thick. This honey is as pure as can be, free of any pesticides or chemicals.
- What Makes it Special
- Ingredients
- Honey unique to Lillooet
- Made in Lillooet, BC, Canada.
- Raw and unpasteurized honey
- Family owned, operated, and founded
100% delicious honey!
What Makes it Special
- Honey unique to Lillooet
- Made in Lillooet, BC, Canada.
- Raw and unpasteurized honey
- Family owned, operated, and founded
100% delicious honey!